10 Important Lessons Learned from my First Crypto Bullrun

In my journey through the crypto market, I experienced the highs and lows that come with it. From turning \(5,000 into an astonishing \)1,000,000 during a bull run, only to see it come crashing down to $20,000 again, I have learned some invaluable lessons over the past 6.5 years. Here, I share the ten most important takeaways that can help you navigate the world of cryptocurrencies more effectively.

1) You Don’t Need Leverage

Leverage trading may seem enticing, promising exponential gains, but it often leads to disaster. Overleveraging can leave you unable to handle the extreme price fluctuations in the market, leading to significant losses or getting caught in choppy waters. It’s wise to exercise caution and avoid relying too heavily on leverage.

2) Don’t Revenge Trade

One of the costliest mistakes I made was letting my emotions dictate my trades. When one trade closed at a loss, I would impulsively jump into another one, hoping to recover quickly. This behavior is akin to gambling and can result in severe financial consequences. Instead, focus on reducing risks and avoiding impulsive actions driven by emotions.

3) Don’t Overtrade

During the 2021 bull market, I learned the importance of not overtrading. There were moments when I was constantly trading, trying to outperform others. However, I soon realized that I was outperformed by those who simply held their positions without micromanaging. Now, I choose to adopt a more strategic approach, focusing on high/mid timeframe swing positions and refraining from excessive trading. Remember, less is more.

4) Understand When to Risk Less and When to Risk More

While bull markets can be forgiving, it’s essential to learn when to adapt your risk-taking strategy. Though mastering this skill takes time, it’s crucial to understand when to adjust risk levels. As a general guideline during bull markets, it’s often wise to buy every retracement until it proves ineffective.

5) Your Network is Your Net Worth

In the world of cryptocurrencies, having a strong network can be invaluable. Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals, discussing ideas, and exchanging information can help you stay ahead in a market teeming with insider information. Don’t hesitate to reach out and build relationships with people who are more successful than you. They can provide valuable advice and guidance. Personally, I still rely on a mentor to navigate the crypto landscape.

6) Understand Your Edge and Stick to It

Each of us has unique strengths and expertise in different aspects of cryptocurrency trading and investment. Identify your edge and hone your skills in that area. Whether it’s finding newly listed low cap coins, conducting fundamental analysis, or assisting projects, play to your strengths and stay committed to your area of expertise.

7) Build a Reputation and Exercise Caution

Trust is a fragile element within the crypto community. While it’s always wise to do thorough due diligence, I’ve learned the hard way that even people you consider friends can betray that trust. To protect your reputation and financial well-being, always conduct independent research and verify information before making decisions.

8) Let Winners Run and Cut Losses Quickly

In the pursuit of success, it’s crucial to allow winning trades to play out and maximize profits. Additionally, it’s equally important to cut losses quickly when a trade is not going as anticipated. To optimize your gains and minimize potential damage, a balanced approach of letting winners run and cutting losses is essential.

9) Don’t Fight the Trend

Attempting to identify local tops and making short entries during an upward trend can be tempting but counterproductive. I found myself hedging and unhedging repeatedly, losing precious time and resources. It’s far more rewarding to align your trading strategies with the prevailing trend. Instead, focus on identifying long opportunities and buying retracements within the trend.

10) Find Reliable Sources of Information

While Twitter can be an excellent source of information for all things crypto, it’s important to exercise caution and curate your feed wisely. Following the wrong people can lead you astray and expose you to misinformation or sensationalized news. Keep your follow list short and ensure that it consists primarily of reputable crypto sources. Remember, quality over quantity.

By learning from my mistakes, you can save yourself from unnecessary stress, financial losses, and wasted time. Apply these ten important lessons to your own crypto journey, and may they guide you towards a more successful and fulfilling experience in the world of cryptocurrencies.

Source: MacnBTC